8 time-saving tools for internal communicators

Internal communicators have many tasks to keep up. Content creation, employee engagement activities, internal social media, monitoring company culture, to name only some. With so many things on the agenda, it’s easy to get behind.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great tools that can help you save time and get the job done easier. Here are our top 8 tools for internal communicators.

1. Canva 🎨

Do you want to create beautiful and consistent visual content for your internal communications, but you don’t have design skills? Canva has got you covered. Canva is a free-to-use design tool that makes it easy for everyone to create beautiful designs, for any content type – from presentations to blog images to infographics, as well as social media posts and even videos.

With a drag-and-drop interface, thousands of free templates, photos, video footage and fonts, it’s super easy and fast to design with Canva. One thing I especially love about Canva is the fact that it’s easy to copy designs for another project – and as the designs and assets are all in the cloud, it’s super easy to collaborate on design projects.

2. Grammarly 🔎

If you want to avoid misspelling and grammatical mistakes in your writing, be sure to run your content through Grammarly. It helps to identify errors and even offers suggestions to improve conciseness, word choice, as well as assess overall tone (e.g., formal/informal). Using Grammarly is a great way to speed up your proofreading process for effective and error-free content.

3. DeepL ✍️

If you often have to translate your content from one language to another, you’re going to love this tool. DeepL is an AI-based translation tool that offers high-quality translations for your content. DeepL has a good reputation for offering more accurate and nuanced translations than other translation machines. It now supports 72 languages.

4. Unplash/Pixabay 🖼️

Like marketers, internal communicators often use images to make their content more appealing. But searching for good images usually takes a lot of time. That’s where websites such as Unsplash and Pixabay come in handy. These are great resources for awesome stock images. And best of all, they’re completely free to use.

5. Google Analytics 📈

Measuring your internal communication performance is crucial to keep improving. Most internal communication platforms and intranet apps have their own built-in analytics functionality. Alternatively, you can use a third-party app like Google Analytics to gain insights into your intranet performance or to create more detailed reports.

6 & 7. Power Automate and Power Apps 💪

Automating repetitive processes or setting up workflows helps to save a lot of time for employees. Microsoft Power Automate and Power Apps are two great tools that help you achieve this. They are easy to use, meaning you don’t need tons of IT support or extensive coding knowledge to use these two tools.

Some use cases of Power Automate and Power Apps that you can find in the Involv intranet include time-off requests, expense claims, lunch ordering and ticketing app.

time-off request

8. Involv Intranet 🤩

Of course; I need to mention Involv here. I already mentioned that DeepL is a great tool to help you with your translations. But did you know that Involv has a built-in translation engine, allowing you to translate entire pages with the click of a button? And that’s only one great feature Involv has to offer.

Content creation is a time-consuming task for most internal communicators – especially when the organization uses many different channels. Involv intranet helps you to speed up your content creation and save tons of time with these useful features:

  • Page templates for frequently created content like news, events, jobs, etc. so you’ll never have to start from scratch again.
  • The scheduling functionality enables you to schedule to publish content at any time in the future ánd add an expiry date to remove it automatically when it’s no longer relevant.
  • Omnichannel approach: Manage all your internal communications from one single platform. Your content is synced and distributed across all channels – desktops, smartphones (Involv mobile app), emails, Microsoft Teams and digital signage.
  • The drag and drop builder allows you to create intranet pages without any coding knowledge and homepage themes let you change the layout of the entire intranet with the click of a button.
Involv knowledge and documents

Final thoughts

Effective internal communication keeps employees informed, engaged and connected to the organization. Conversely, poor communication causes employees to distrust you, be less productive and more likely to look for another job.

Given its impact on both the organizations and employees, your job as an internal communicator is truly important. I hope that these easy-to-use tools will help you save more time, as well as improve your effectiveness and execution speed. So you can excell in your job and create an even bigger impact.