6 content tips to keep your intranet vibrant during ánd after the summer holidays

In many industries, things are a bit quieter during the summer months. Employees go on vacation and there is usually less activity in the area of internal communication. A missed opportunity, because this period offers opportunities to prepare for the busier months ahead.

In this article, we share 6 content tips to keep your intranet vibrant during the summer months and to prepare it for a smashing start after.

Schedule your posts

news schedulingThe fact that you, as an internal communications manager, go on vacation does not mean that nothing new can be published on the intranet during that period. With Involv, you can perfectly schedule your news and events for publication in the future. By scheduling your messages for the coming week or weeks, you can have peace of mind; your intranet stays vibrant, even during your absence.

Let employees create content

yammerIn addition to fostering communication and collaboration among employees, the intranet also plays an important role in promoting company culture. That’s why it might be a nice idea to let your employees share their holiday pictures and stories.

People look forward to their holidays the entire a year and love to share their experiences. Give them the opportunity to create their own blog, integrate a social media feed around a specific hashtag, ask them to share photos via Yammer or collect the photos in a photo album.

Do a clean-up

delete-newsIf you have a quieter time during the summer months, use this period to take a close look at the content of your intranet. Remove irrelevant content or posts and archive outdated documents.

Also be sure to check the latest components of your Involv intranet. With each update, we add improvements or introduce new features. Perhaps these offer an interesting addition to your intranet too. This way, you keep the intranet interesting for your users and get the most out of the platform.

Go through the numbers

page-analyticsEvery so often, you should go through the stats of your intranet. How active are your users? Who creates the most content? Whose content gets the most interaction? Which content gets the most interaction? How does the use of your intranet evolve?

All these intranet analytics give you valuable insights to further improve your internal communication in the coming months.

Make good content great

Thanks to the insights from your intranet analytics, you know what content performs well. Perhaps you also came across interesting but outdated information during the clean-up. Therefore, update your existing information and do more of what is already working well today.

Leave and availability

involv-statusWhatever you do on the intranet, it is important to keep the end users in mind. How do you make their workdays better? During the summer holiday season, it might be useful to them to find out about leave arrangements and availability statuses of their colleagues.

Thanks to the integration with Microsoft Teams, Involv users can see each other’s presence status and out of office message within the intranet.

With these 6 practical tips, you can make sure your intranet does not come to a standstill during the summer months. And if you want to stimulate the use of your intranet even further, think about the possibility of using the intranet for your leave requests as well. Involv offers a ready-made component for this. Feel free to contact us for a short demo or more information.

I wish you a lot of success and, if you take some time off, a well-deserved, relaxing holiday!