Proven strategies to continuously improve your intranet and measure impact

Launching an intranet is just the first step. To make sure it keeps delivering results and adding value to your organisation, it’s crucial to regularly assess its performance. This way, you’ll know exactly where improvements are needed

This blog draws insights from a webinar series featuring Pascal Herreweghe, Digital Communication Expert and Customer Success Manager at Involv, and Christiaan Lustig, Internal Communication & Digital Employee Experience Expert and author of the book ‘Digital employee experience‘.

1. Back to Basics: The Purpose of Your Intranet

To determine if your intranet is truly effective, it’s important to revisit its core purpose. Why was the intranet created in the first place? Regularly reflecting on these original goals and questioning whether they still align with your organisation’s needs is key. Your intranet should evolve alongside the changing needs of both your employees and the business. Consider scheduling a review every six months or annually to ensure it remains a dynamic, valuable platform that grows with your organisation.

2. User Feedback: The Power of Direct Input

One of the easiest, yet frequently overlooked, ways to improve your intranet is by gathering direct feedback from its users. As Pascal mentions, “Simply asking someone in the hallway what they think about the intranet can offer valuable insights.” Casual conversations can quickly reveal what works and what needs improvement. In addition to this spontaneous feedback, short surveys and interviews provide a more structured approach to gain deeper, more detailed insights.

3. The Foundation: Data Analysis

While user feedback is crucial, data analysis provides the foundation for a more objective assessment. Tools like Google Analytics or Matomo offer a clear view of how your intranet is being used — tracking things like click paths, popular pages, and search behavior. These insights allow you to pinpoint areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance the intranet’s effectiveness.

As Christiaan explains, “If you notice a significant drop-off at step four of a process, you know exactly where to take action. By identifying these specific bottlenecks, you can implement targeted improvements that will greatly enhance the overall user experience on your intranet.”

4. Efficiency vs. Impact: Understanding the Difference

When evaluating your intranet’s performance, it’s essential to distinguish between efficiency and impact. Efficiency focuses on metrics like visitor numbers or page views — essentially, how far the intranet reaches. Impact, on the other hand, digs deeper, measuring whether the intranet drives meaningful behavioural changes. The key question here is: Does the intranet genuinely support employees in their daily tasks and help advance the organisation’s goals? As Pascal highlights, impact is about much more than reach. It’s about understanding how the intranet enhances and improves your employees’ day-to-day work. Surveys and interviews can provide valuable insights into how the platform contributes to the organisation’s overall success.

5. Surveys and evaluations


A common mistake in many organisations is waiting until the end of the year to send out a large, comprehensive survey. This can be overwhelming for users and often leads to missed insights. Instead, conducting shorter, more focused surveys on a regular basis allows you to gather timely and relevant feedback without burdening your users. It’s essential to find the right frequency for your organisation, whether that’s quarterly surveys, monthly questionnaires, or another schedule that works best. Regular feedback helps keep your intranet aligned with the evolving needs of your team.

6. The Power of Community Management

A thriving intranet doesn’t happen by chance. User involvement is essential, as building an effective intranet requires collaboration. This is where a community manager plays a vital role. They gather valuable feedback and encourage cooperation across the organisation. Engaging the voice of the end user in the development process is a key factor in creating a successful intranet. By staying actively connected with users, you ensure the platform continues to meet their evolving needs and expectations.

7. Measuring Impact

In addition to data analysis and surveys, you can dig deeper by examining the search results within your intranet. This reveals what information employees are actively seeking and where they might be hitting roadblocks. By leveraging these insights, you can improve navigation and make it easier for users to find what they need. As Pascal points out, “If certain information is frequently searched for, it might be an indicator that it’s buried too deep and should be more visible.” These kinds of optimisations make your intranet more user-friendly and ultimately more effective.


Improving and evaluating your intranet is not a one-time task, but an ongoing process. Regular reviews, continuous user feedback, and detailed data analysis are crucial to ensure your intranet stays aligned with the evolving needs of both your organisation and its employees. By consistently assessing its performance and making targeted improvements, you can create a platform that truly supports your team and contributes to long-term success.

Do you have questions about applying these steps in your organisation? Get in touch with us, and together we’ll ensure your intranet is not only functional but also a valuable and relevant tool for all your employees.