Generating ideas from employees is a great way to drive innovation within an organization. However, most organizations don’t have the proper tools to effectively gather, share, and manage ideas across the organization. As a result, many valuable ideas get lost, possible solutions aren’t shared, and organizations can’t leverage the power of employee knowledge.
That’s why we created Involv Ideation – a dedicated ideation tool on your Involv intranet. It is designed to help organizations easily generate and process ideas from employees.
How organizations can benefit from Involv Ideation
Here are the four benefits of Involv Ideation.
1. Easily submit ideas
Anyone in your organization can submit their idea by filling in a simple form that includes the idea title and a short description of the idea. The idea creator can select optional tags to give more context to the idea and make it searchable.
People can also remain incognito when submitting an idea.
2. Easily like and comment on any submitted idea
Once an idea is created, everyone can see it and give responses such as liking and commenting.
This is a great way to collect feedback from other employees to enrich ideas and make them better.
3. Easily process ideas
The Involv ideation process is very simple. An idea will go through a 5-stage process that includes created → discovered → in consideration → in progress → in use. Managers can easily validate ideas by changing the idea status.
Here is the definition for each of the idea status.
4. Easily manage and view all submitted ideas:
Involv Ideation dashboard gives you an overview of all submitted ideas within your organization. You can also create a dashboard for every department or for a targeted employee group.
On the dashboard, it recognizes the best idea of the month while my top ideas give you a summary of all your submitted ideas.
Want to look for a specific idea? Use the search bar or filters.
Involv Ideation Dashboard
To effectively generate ideas within an organization and execute a culture of innovation, organizations need to use a dedicated ideation tool. Typical communication tools can’t have sufficient functionality to support the entire process of ideation because they aren’t designed for it.
With Involv Ideation on your intranet, great ideas no longer get lost, people are more motivated to contribute ideas and share their thoughts. And you can tap into the power of employee knowledge and collaboration to drive innovation for your organization.
Generate, discuss, evaluate, and manage ideas across the organization directly from your Involv intranet with Involv Ideation.
Want to discover more of the Involv Ideation? Contact us now!
![tim-bogemans-copy Tim](
Tim Bogemans
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