Tips to create your internal comms calendar for 2024

Creating a winning internal comms calendar isn’t just about scheduling messages; it’s about weaving a strategic tapestry of authenticity and purpose.

In this blog post, we’re sharing invaluable tips that will not only make your internal comms calendar for 2024 resonate but also propel your organization forward.

Align with Organizational Goals and Values

Creating a successful internal comms calendar is akin to composing a symphony that resonates harmoniously with your organization’s goals and values. Picture your organizational culture as a warm, comforting embrace. Your communications should seamlessly meld into this culture, enriching and nurturing it, rather than jarring like an unwelcome intrusion.

Think of your company’s core values as the guiding stars in this communication constellation. Your calendar should shine with frequent reminders of these values, underscoring their profound significance at every twist and turn.

Harness the Power of Purpose

Purpose is the magnetic force that attracts and retains employees. Beyond paychecks and perks, it’s what makes your company stand out. Here’s how to put it into action:

Understand your organization’s broader mission beyond profits. Align your internal communications with this purpose to make it tangible and relatable to all team members.

Incorporate purpose as a recurring theme in your internal comms calendar. Share stories illustrating how your organization’s purpose comes to life through collective team efforts. This approach not only inspires but also unifies your workforce.

Spark Your Imagination with Campaign Ideas

While the canvas of 2024 is blank and waiting for your creative strokes, sometimes a spark of inspiration is all you need to set the masterpiece in motion. Here are some campaign ideas to ignite your imagination:

January: A New Year’s video

Fuel employees’ energy and morale at the start of the new year. January is the perfect time to share a video of executives reflecting on the past year and their vision for the new year. It helps people get aligned and motivated.   

February: Create a thank you board

February is for Love, not just lovers. It’s a whole month dedicated to appreciation and recognition. How about creating a virtual appreciation board on the intranet where employees can share gratitude to their coworkers?

March: Put a spotlight on female colleagues

March is Women’s History Month. It’s a perfect opportunity to acknowledge your female colleagues and recognize their achievements by publishing a series of inspirational interviews.

April: Easter Egg Hunt

Let’s keep things light in April and boost intranet engagement by running a fun competition. For example, a virtual scavenger hunt to search for easter emojis🐰🐇🐣 🐤 that are hidden throughout your intranet. It’s a fun way to help users (re)discover your intranet.

May: Mental health tips

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. A great content idea for your intranet during this special month: add a daily tip on how to maintain mental well-being. You can gather ideas from colleagues and tag them in the post for better engagement. 

June: Protect the environment

World Environment Day is June 5. Remind co-workers of the importance of caring for the environment. Elaborate on the efforts your organization puts in  to protect our planet and reduce the carbon footprint of your organization.  Share your vision on future efforts and allow your employees to share their ideas.

July: Promote friendships at work

International friendship day is July 30. It’s a great opportunity for team members to get to know each other better. Perhaps you can organize a pop quiz with fun and interesting “get to know you” questions. For example, add some questions about peoples’ hobbies and interests, favorite football clubs or other cool/fun facts.

August: Share your vacation photos or videos

Does your organization promote a healthy work-life balance? August would be a great month for promoting a healthy culture that encourages employees to disconnect and enjoy time off. So how about getting employees to share their vacation photos or stories on the intranet?

September: 1st day of school

Many people are keen to capture the moment of their kids on the 1st day of school. So, you can encourage people to post those pictures on the intranet and by doing so, highlight the importance of a good work-life balance.

October: A Halloween trivia quiz

Don’t miss any opportunity to engage with employees. A fun halloween-inspired trivia quiz for example can help improve office morale . Especially if the person who gets the most correct answers can win a cool prize.

November: Launch an employee survey

The end of the year is approaching fast. It’s time to evaluate your IC efforts and collect employee feedback and ideas for the next year. Consider launching a pulse survey to ask for feedback from employees.  

December: A holiday-themed photo contest

Celebrate the holiday spirit and above all, boost team spirit by running a holiday-themed photo contest with teams in Christmas sweaters, … 

Tips to get employees engaged with your campaigns

Once your IC plan is in place, make sure that you prepare for its execution too.  

Here are some tips to get employees engaged with every campaign and make it a success.  

  • Get buy-in from the managers and company leaders, their involvement will get more people on board. 
  • Set a goal for your campaigns so you can measure the results.
  • Set the right timeline for your campaign. Experts advise no shorter than one week.
  • Communicate before, during and after the campaign. Promote it on all channels, bring it up during a company meeting, remind people about it. Get everyone excited and ensure their participation.
  • Consider offering rewards to high achievers. Prizes are fun and it will drum up excitement. 

In summary, your 2024 internal comms calendar serves as a canvas to portray your organization. By aligning it with your goals, embracing purpose, and seeking inspiration, you’ll create a calendar that informs, transforms, and keeps your team engaged throughout the year.