Why I DO NOT Only Use SharePoint OOTB

While I respect the purist approach to SharePoint of many SharePoint Consultants, as an internal communication specialist with a technical background with a bachelor in applied computer sciences and master in IT management, I believe relying solely on SharePoint’s out-of-the-box (OOTB) features misses opportunities. 

Microsoft’s platform provides a solid foundation but falls short of meeting modern internal communications demands. That’s why I advocate a hybrid approach, leveraging SharePoint out-of-the-box with a purpose-built intranet like Involv.  

Walter Van Hecke

Here’s a breakdown of why I disagree with the “SharePoint OOTB only” philosophy: 

1. Cost

Yes, you already pay for Microsoft 365 but while it covers basic SharePoint, it cannot provide the full-featured intranet communication teams require. 

This leaves two options: costly and time-consuming custom development or an affordable third-party solution like Involv, which offers a cost-effective way to get the functionality you need without breaking the bank. 

2. Expertise 

Top-tier SharePoint consultants are rare and expensive. Sticking with OOTB limits your options to those consultants who refuse to work with third-party tools. It’s like insisting on hand-washing all your clothes or migrating from SharePoint On-Premises to Online without Sharegate – counterproductive and costly.  

Building a successful intranet isn’t just about technical know-how; it’s about understanding how people communicate, collaborate, and consume information. A SharePoint consultant may be proficient in Microsoft features but lack specialized knowledge crucial for truly engaging experiences.  

3. Warranty and Support 

Microsoft support is great for technical issues but won’t help boost adoption, improve performance or solve complex challenges. Involv’s dedicated team ensures your intranet is optimized for your specific needs, providing peace of mind and ongoing assistance.

4. Training 

Let’s face it, SharePoint out-of-the-box isn’t user-friendly, which is a major reason adoption lags. Involv addresses this with intuitive interfaces and user-friendly features, driving higher engagement from day one. Besides proven methodology, Involv provides video tutorials and guides made for communication professionals, not IT. 

5. Mobile Apps 

While out-of-the-box apps suffice for small businesses, larger organizations require more sophisticated solutions. Involv seamlessly integrates with SharePoint Online and offers a robust mobile app, ensuring your workforce stays connected and informed on any device.  

We believe that a mobile app focused on communication with your workforce is more than just the Teams or SharePoint app developed by Microsoft. It is an integral part of the experience you create and that’s why it’s all integrated into one solution. 

6. New Functionality 

I agree that Microsoft adds features regularly. However, Involv is built on the SharePoint ecosystem to evolve with every update and incorporate the latest trends to meet evolving needs. Microsoft focuses on basic building blocks for all, but communication needs constantly evolve as organizations grow.  

As organizations grow and change, so do their communication requirements. Involv can easily scale and adapt to these changing needs. Relying solely on SharePoint OOTB means playing catch-up, always a few steps behind the curve. 

7. Ongoing Changes by Microsoft 

Consultants can’t guarantee continuity with SharePoint’s constant updates. Their time-and-materials model leaves you vulnerable. Involv’s business model aligns with long-term goals, ensuring functionality through Microsoft changes. 

8. Impact of Power Automate/Power Apps 

While low-code solutions are powerful, they require technical expertise and fall outside true out-of-the-box functionality. The Involv intranet is built on Microsoft 365 SharePoint. As a result, it integrates seamlessly with all your favorite Microsoft tools, such as Power Automate, Power Apps and many more. Looking to connect data from additional tools? Involv integrates them for you.

9. Flat Information Architecture 

SharePoint’s flat architecture can limit custom solutions, but Involv’s licensing ensures every feature is available across all your sites, maintaining consistency and functionality throughout your intranet.

10. Timeline 

Working day in day out with communication professionals we know that time is the most precious resource. Forget weeks or months of development. Involv can be installed and configured within days. This rapid deployment gets your intranet up quickly so you can focus on communication, not configuration. As a communicator, you need timely, relevant messages for your audience, not spending weeks wrestling with SharePoint. Involv reclaims that valuable time. 

In Summary

  • SharePoint alone can’t meet advanced communication needs. A third-party solution like Involv Intranet is necessary.
  • Involv deploys faster than custom solutions, speeding up start times.
  • Involv’s team specializes in internal communications, tailoring intranets to specific organizational needs, unlike SharePoint consultants.
  • Involv’s intuitive features enhance engagement and adoption over SharePoint.
  • Involv offers seamless SharePoint integration and a mobile app for any device.
  • Involv updates alongside Microsoft, incorporating the latest trends.
  • Involv ensures functionality despite Microsoft’s constant changes.
  • Involv’s licensing model guarantees consistent features across all sites.

A collaborative approach, leveraging both SharePoint and Involv, ensures the intranet is technically sound, engaging, and aligned with communication goals.

Conclusion: collaboration is key

While I firmly believe that pure SharePoint OOTB falls short for communication professionals, I’m not advocating against it entirely. It provides a good starting point, especially for small organizations. However, its limitations quickly become apparent, as Microsoft’s focus is more on providing building blocks for consultants rather than finished solutions tailored to communication teams. 

 In fact, SharePoint OOTB and solutions like Involv Intranet are not mutually exclusive; rather, they can serve as complementary tools in creating an exceptional intranet. 

 SharePoint consultants offer essential technical expertise, ensuring a robust and secure infrastructure. Meanwhile, communication professionals bring a deep understanding of employee needs, content strategy, and engagement tactics, crucial for fostering a vibrant intranet community. 

Involv Intranet bridges these two worlds, giving communication professionals the tools to manage their intranets with minimal custom development and offering SharePoint consultants a customizable platform tailored to organizational needs. 

Together, they use SharePoint OOTB and Involv to create a resilient, future-ready intranet that evolves with the organization. This collaboration ensures the intranet is not only technically sound but also engaging and aligned with the company’s communication goals. 

Involv isn’t just a tool for communication professionals; it’s a catalyst for collaboration, empowering both technical and communication experts to build an intranet that connects employees, fosters engagement, and drives business results. 

Don’t let SharePoint’s limitations slow down your team. Schedule a free demo today and see how Involv Intranet enhances and extends your SharePoint environment to meet modern communication demands.